Medialdea, T.; Somoza, L.; Pinheiro, L.M.; Fernández-Puga, M.C; Vázquez, J.T.; León, R.; Ivanov, M.K.; Magalhaes, V.; Díaz del Río, V.; Vegas, R. – 2009. Tectonics and mud volcano development in the Gulf of Cádiz. Marine Geology, Volume 261, Issues 1-4, 1 June 2009, Pages 48-63. DOI 10.1016/j.margeo.2008.10.007.
González, F.J.; Somoza, L.; Lunar, R.; Martínez-Frías; Martín-Rubí, J.A.; Torres, T.; Ortiz, J.E.; Díaz del Río, V.;Pinheiro, L.M.; Magalhaes, V.H. - 2009. Hydrocarbon-derived ferromanganese nodules in carbonate-mud mounds from the Gulf of Cadiz: Mud-breccia sediments and clasts as nucleation sites. Marine Geology, Volume 261, Issues 1-4, 1 June 2009, Pages .64-81. DOI 10.1016/j.margeo.2008.10.005.
Este volumen está dedicado de forma monográfica al programa europeo: "EUROMARGINS: Imaging, monitoring and modelling the physical, chemical and biological processes in the European passive continental margins".
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